Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pizza Pocket!

Tuesday Freeride!
Hirothing and I took off to Laputa after a delicious!
Lapauta is a little mountain that was donated to us to build and ride 5 years ago now.
The owners own a fruit farm and restaurant that caters to the people of Tagawa.
Behind there grape orchard is out trial.
Recently we have been building a new trial out of dirt following along the ladder trial.
So, far its a slow process but the trial is starting out very fun!
Hiro and I had an hour or so and we gave it our best!
Please enjoy!!!

Pizza Pocket from Nicholas Poetker on Vimeo.
Tuesday a ride with Hiro at the Laputa FR park!

April 12, 2011



Manny said...

The owners of the orchard must be very friendly people. I'm happy to see more dirt at Laputa! DirtOn!

RideOn World Tour said...

Thank you!
The owners originally told us to use the land with no alternations.
Thats why we build ladders to showcase the trial.
So, we could take the ladders down at anytime and the land was 90% untouched.
Well, no we have asked for permission to use the land next to our dedicated trail and they said Ok!
So, we are making a full dirt line in contrast to the full ladder line.
The like as it is is more difficult than the ladders as its really steep and tight.
I know the video looks flat but the trail is really steep.
We still have a good portion of land to take advantage of.
We will continue to work, build, ride and continue to progress!