Friday, March 25, 2011


On my two babies!

New mud guards and new tires on the Force (Maxxis High Roller 2.35)



Manny said...

Very sensible upgrades, Ricardo! Following your example I've just ordered a couple of those mudguards for Birgit and me! RideOn!

RideOn World Tour said...

I love my mud guard Ricardo.
I have been using this guard for years now, in the form of tubes and even had my wife sew my a cloth one made out of an old umbrella.
The cool thing about this is the velcro and no need for ties,
If you look close in my videos I mostly always use it!
I dont where glasses or goggles and this simple little guard makes a world of difference.
I use it in wet dry or anytime as it deflects all kinds of crap!
Manny you and Birgit will love it!

Água Retorta said...

I'm very glad you're ordering this awesome little things that nake all the diference Manny!

Niko, I wear glasses, but they don't protect the whole face, hahahaha! So the mud guards are an extre protection for the eyes and face!
