Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fall ride!

I had a true blast with two of my good buddies!

We rode Rasta and Pico dos Bodes trail twice and Sanguinho once and it was just great!

This Sunday was a typical fall weather, very calm, lots of clouds, but no rain, wich was fine for some trail bashing, hahahahaha!




Niko said...

Ricardo this was beautiful!
The pictures were very nice for a change and really gave a great view of the autumn's atmosphere.

How did you take the pictures with the chest cam?
* Did you take normal video and then freeze frame sections?

* Did you put the gopro on the 2 second delay random shot mode and then just ride?

Im very curious!

Great video buddy!


Manny said...

This slide show was really nice. The quality of the pictures is very high and the music is just right.


Ricardo said...

NikoSan, I have a free shareware program called Splayer, and what I do, is I play the video, freeze the image, and I have an option of taking the picture!

That's how I get this cool shots!

Manny, thank you so much brother!

Photo slideshows from my rides, is one of my favourite things to do!
