Monday, December 13, 2010

The beautiful blue sky!

It's raining in Azores, in Germany,  in  Japan...bummer...but, luckly my great friend Niko had a break on Sunday and went for a super flow and awesome ride with his buddies!!!

Here's the video!

Niko, brother, hope you liked the introduction...



Manny said...

In Germany it's snowing Ricardo, however, Gumball, Momo and Niko are a dream team, smashing freeride action with a little collateral damage! RideOn!!!

RideOn World Tour said...

Thank you brothers!
My shoulders are killing me!
Please enjoy the snow MAnny!

here in Japan the rain is non stopping since yesterday!
we were truly lucky to have such a beautiful sunday!

Ricardo thank you for the post!
I will see whats wrong when I upload my next video!

Great intro!
It looks like its raining very hard down under according to SamJam!


Água Retorta said...

Manny, brother,'s snowing, not raining...wich adds up just about the same...we can't ride as often as we do in good weather :(