Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Wonderland

My classic Hot Chili Zymotic with Schwalbe Black Shark 1.95 tires on a snow-covered forest trail, lots of fun in just about half an hour! RideOn!!! Manny


RideOn World Tour said...

How could is that brother? I have to try someday just to feel the snow under my weels!



RideOn World Tour said...

Sorry brother! I meant: "How cool is that?"



Manny said...

How cold is a good question, I think it was four degrees below zero and I put on a lot of clothing which made me sweat a lot, so after half an hour I was fed up, but you're right, you should try and ride in the snow at least once in your life.

Ricardo said...

Have to do it my friend...must be a complete diferent feeling of the bike.