Monday, February 28, 2011

Peace Quest!

February 28 the last day of February 2011,
My buds and I set out for a day trail maintenance. This trial is much much longer than what the video shows.
Its an abandoned trial and has lots of  cleaning until we can ride the whole trail.
Its very rocky very steep.
One of the most difficult trails we have.
We spend our day cleaning while riding making the trial longer and longer.
We got stuck at a huge fallen tree and ended up piling up logs, twigs, leaves and dirt to make a nice new drop!

Peace Quest from Nicholas Poetker on Vimeo.
Sunday february 28 was great day in the hills of Japan.
We set out to peacefully endure a day of maintenance and building!
All the while riding here and there!





Manny said...

The new drop you built is really cool! Trail cleaning and building is very important, people who just pay money in order to ride in a bike park don't know what they are missing! BuildOn!

RideOn World Tour said...

Thank you Manny I happy your understand the ordeal in building a trail!
We rode as you can see but we spent a good 5 hours building or in this trail just cleaning.
Little by little the trail will clear up.
The drop was just a fallen tree on the trail, thats it!
We had to pile log after log, twig after twig and last piled leaves and dirt and all of the sudden we had a nice 5 foot drop!
RidEOn brother!
You have to pay to play and now every ride is a bike park, hhahhahahah

Ricardo said...

Yeah...I too built a lot of'a hard, hard work...but with all those good friends you have helping, it must have been fun brother!


RideOn World Tour said...

Thank you Ricardo is always fun.
Which I hope I was able to depict in the video!
We work hard play hard and ride hard!
I wish you guys could come and ride this trial with us, you might be blown away with its difficulty from section to section!
I barely made it down this time.
When you hit those rock sections and there in no real line its super exciting!!

RideOn World Tour said...

I can see that brother. It really looks like a very techinical trail and I love them that way, hahahaha!

