Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wind Gate Trail - 7 Cidades

The weather wasn't that great, but me and my wife thoughen up and went, from one side of the island to the other to have a nice day riding and just having fun! Got to FR on an old DH trail and the rest of the time, was spent by exploring all the little spots around the lake!
RideOn! Ricardo - Azores


Manny said...

Ricardo, you are a true innovator! There is always some new surprise in store. 7 Cidades is famous and well-known as a main attraction of Sao Miguel, but you show us the mountain bike side of this location, which is absolutely fascinating. You show us how you can take an enduro bike to a downhill track and also have fun biking with your wife! Thank you for your inspiration, brother! Happy trails and RideOn!

Ricardo said...

Thank you Manny! And the only reason why I didn't use the GT Force was to not get her dirty as my wife was pedaling with her on that day, hahahaha! This is why I say that your Alutech FR is good for anything, not "just" about anything, ANYTHING really!
That DH trail can be riden, either with DH/FR/Enduro or AM's always fun my man!
Thank you, again, my brother, for apreciating my videos, and belive me when I say that 7 Cidades has a lot more to offer, biking related!

Happy Trails brother and RideOn!

RideOn World Tour said...

Ricardo 2 wonderfully fun videos!
This trail was a blast to watch and I loved watching you and your wife ride around!
Our bikes have ultimate use and can be filtered through the streets parks or mountains!

The picture of the house is awesome!
The building and structure is very beautiful.
I love the castle like peaks!
But the picture its self is very erie! hahaha
I feel like a ghost is going to pop out! ahhhhha!
I love he

Ricardo said...

Thank you man! You're right! Our bikes are good for anything wether it's on the city stairs and walls or in the trails with drops and rocky, muddy, rooty sections!


Stillmrg said...

Amigo that house or mansion looks better run out there.:0.

By the way.I wish my wife ride with me like your wife ride with you..poor me. :( great video amigo.