Sunday, January 23, 2011

Piesberg Exploration

Sunday was cold and wet and the trails were too muddy to ride our bikes. So we spent three and a half hours exploring the Piesberg, hiking all the way round the mountain looking for trails. The Piesberg is a hill where a group of local riders are about to build freeride trails. The Piesberg freeride project's aim is to have brand new freeride trails in 2011, right now the state of the trails is deplorable.

RideOn!!! Manny

Too wet to ride there, so we decided on hiking
A nice rocky section
Downhill and freeride trail
At the Piesberg there used to be the biggest quarry in Europe
We also went down into the mine below the Piesberg mountain


Água Retorta said...

Beautiful place and a lovely way to spend the day!

I love hiking with my wife to my brother!


Manny said...

It was our first visit to the Piesberg. We were looking for new trails not too far away from home. I hope I can show you some videos of us riding the Piesberg trails soon, my friend.


RideOn World Tour said...

Spectacular pictures!
I wish all the builders good luck for the new season!
If everyone works together the new FR trials should come together smoothly!

A 3 hour hike sounds like fun Manny!
I too enjoy a good hike, would be cool to explore and try finding new trails like the old days! hahaha