Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Along the riverbank!

After Momo and I came off the snow mountain we had some time to play along the riverbank!




Manny said...

Two great riders who perfectly complement each other! The same goes for the Bottlerocket and the Rune! RideOn!

Niko said...

Its funny but the rocket and the Rune do ride very similar!
I feel very comfortable on the Rune as I did on the rocket!
Momo is just an awesome rider!
His full potential is yet to be released.
The second jump he jumped on his first try, others it takes them 20 times!
Thank you for all the cool comments!

Ricardo said...

Two cool riders and two awesome rides! Momo has a great teacher brother! He'll do fine!


RideOn World Tour said...

Thank you Ricardo!
I wish Momo the best!
When I was his age everyone was against me for doing the stuff I do on the bike but now that Momo has a chance we need to support him!
He is looking big very big!

Stillmrg said...

I am confuse.are this new friends rider of you.because other videos you ride with other riders with less skills and now with guys are killer ones.or maybe all of them had the same face.cool video amigo.but i am confuse who is who there?

Niko said...

hahahah This is Momo and I amigo!
He has been in a lot of my movies, he just got his new Bottlerocket and he has lots of great skills!
I ride with lots of dudes so yes, it can be confusing! hahahahah