Monday, November 8, 2010

Awesome Sunday!!

Wow!! Im impressed!
Manny and Ricardo very cool pictures!
Lots of beautiful places to ride and have fun!
Yesterday was sunday here in Japan so 5 other guys and myself gatherd together for an epic big mountan adventure!!
This mountain is very very steep making it lots of fun for me and a little scarry for others!
We had some big crasheses but no big injuries! There were 3 guys that had never been on this trail as well!
Please enjoy our video!!
RideOn brothers!


RideOn World Tour said...

It's me, Manny, and I must say you created another big mountain masterpiece, Nicholas. The scariest part is when you all suddenly run out of trail at that landslide, RideOn brother!!

Ricardo said...

Speechless brother! I really wish one day we could ride those cool moutains toghether man!
