Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturdays are always busy!
As was last saturday the 27 of november! 2010.
However after a morning of hard work and busy life all four of us were able to gather together at Laputa FR trial around 2pm for some cool end of Autumn into Winter riding!
The trail was really wet and gooey but we all sucked it up and had a ball!
RideOn from Japn!

Laputa Smash 11-27-10 from Nicholas Poetker on Vimeo.

Niko man!!


Manny said...

Just let me repeat what I wrote on Pinkbike: An outstanding freeride crew there!! Hard to decide what to admire most, the riding, the building or the editing. RideOn!!!

RideOn World Tour said...

Brother this is a sweet set of cool freeriders, and some awesome trails, awesome music and like Manny said...groovy sounds!!!



Niko said...

Niko said!!
Thank you brothers! Its awesome being able to ride and enjoy the beauty of MTBiking!
Im off for an afternoon ride with hiro!
