Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday is usually a day to drift back into your weekly routine!
Most people dread this lovely morning but Hiro and I take it as an opportunity to go for a short afternoon ride! I usually have work until 11:30 allowing me to start riding from 12sharp. Hiro is a hairdresser most hair stuidos are closed on Monday! I then have to go back to work from 2:30 until 10pm is when I finish teaching English!
So, we have about a 2hour window to rip it up! Time is short so we went to a very local mountaian which has some cool sections making for a perfect afternoon!


monday hopping from Nicholas Poetker on Vimeo.


Manny said...

If you worked, went riding during your lunch break, and worked again, did you get anything to eat at all? The video is lots of fun just to watch and listen, RideOn!!!

RideOn World Tour said...

ahhahaha Thank you Manny!
yes before my ride I gobbled a bagel and some scrambled eggs!
Just in time to meet Hiro who showed up at my door step!

I went riding yesterday to the top of a very cool mountain!
We had an Indian Summer day and the weather was remarkable!
